Baptism is a holy tradition dating back to Jesus and John the Baptist. It is a time to publicly acknowledge God’s love and our commitment to following Jesus.
At Christ Church and St Paul’s it is our tradition to dedicate babies and small children into God’s care until they are old enough to make a commitment for themselves and become baptised. The children are prayed for by the Pastor and the entire church family as part of the Sunday Service.
We usually hold two or three baptism services during the year. We baptise by full immersion in a small tank specially designed for the purpose. These services are great celebrations. Many say they feel different afterwards.
If you are interested in a dedication or a baptism please contact the Church Office at admin@anerleyteamministry.org.uk

We are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Victims of Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adults.
Details of our safeguarding policy can be found here